DESEM project aims to develop a sexual education model/methodology for mentally disabled individuals. Each activity that constitutes the project content will provide coordinated work of educators/guidance specialists and disabled families, which are the main actors in sexuality education.
Disabled individuals are at the forefront of disadvantaged groups facing many difficulties in social, business, educational life. However, sexual education is one of the most important problems that are overlooked from the most basic problems of disabled people. The concept of sexuality that individuals who are in the process of healthy development due to external factors such as various prejudices and socio-cultural values, learn outside the educational environment in an unofficial way becomes a much more difficult subject when it comes to disabled individuals. However, there is a need for sexuality education that includes specific learning/teaching methods and techniques appropriate to their learning competence so that disabled people can positively behave in the social integration process, protect themselves from possible sexual violence and health risks, and find the sexual identity of disabled people. Therefore, Persons who will play a key role in education should adopt the complementary role of each other, rather than seeing the responsibilities of parents, and school partnerships on sexuality education, and be creating alternatives to each other.