AMI-4EUROPE: Advanced, Cross- Disciplinary & Integrated Medical Imaging for all Europeans through a Network of Regional Clusters and Development Strategies. Science Park, partner of the European Project AMI-4EUROPE, hosted on April 18th 2012 the conference “From the idea to the market”, where it has been highlighted the importance to be part of a network, as essential factor to enhance its market competitiveness. AMI-4EUROPE is addressed to policy makers, policy drivers, researchers, Large, Medium-size Companies and SMEs as well as physicians who wish to contribute to the definition of “next generation” of Medical Imaging integrating nanomedicine, pharmacological breakthrough, biotechnology for healthcare and ICT, AMI-4EUROPE is the European project that brings together all relevant stakeholders to co-ordinate, integrate and set up a newly defined EU-based Value chain on Advanced, Cross- Disciplinary & Integrated Medical Imaging. AMI-4EUROPE is implementing the first European Platform for Medical Imaging to establish appropriate scientific advice and sustainable support mechanism to assist European Commission, National and regional policy makers for future strategies.